FileIce is a revolutionary Pay Per Download site utilizing the highest converting incentive surveys, offering you the best payout rates in order to leverage your content and make you money on the web.With an average of $1 per download, their network offers one of the best around. Not only that, their US traffic has an unbeatable average of $0.20 EPC, with conversion rates exceeding 25%!


For creating an fileice account you have to fill their application form. When you have entered all your information correctly,there comes a choice either to verify through  html or throuh "I dont have website"

Here we would explain both the methods of fileice approval.

1.Through website/blog

In order to verify your fileice account via your blog/doamin you need to verify that you are the webmaster of particualr blog.For that download the file and verify your fileice account successfully.All steps mentioned in the file.

2.Through "I dont have a website"

Here comes the real trick to get approved in fileice without blog since it is little difficult.You should be formal while describing how you would bring traffic to fileice.You should descibe well about your earnings and traffic sources.Dont tell them fake things and show scrrenshots if possible regarding yoour earnings.You can use this as an Example.

"Hello fileice team,
I am xyz,a great techology enthusiast.I am truly fond of
blogging and have my own blog too.I promise to bring
traffic through facebook,twitter and
youtube.I am added in 30+ groups on facebook and
have made 3-4 videos on youtube too.I am also doing well on twitter.I
have adf.ly and adfocus account too.I am medium earner and intend to
increase my earning by joining fileice..I am getting great traffic via social networking sites.Thus
I Would like to have a fileice account and boost my earning by
providing great traffic to you.

Hope you all have now understand how to get approved in fileice and rock with your own fileice account.


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